Friday, November 9, 2012

Science.... discarding it ?!

It is painful to see the crop of people who distort the reality...distort the cultural values...
no morals... no ethics... no long term perspective.... criticising the ancient values is the only agenda....
We boast ourselves as 'scientifically well developed'...
we believe if  the so called scientists   are working on 'teleportation' ....  but we never want to believe that our ancient rishis practiced it.
we believe if some country talks about virtual world... we never believe 'trishanku swarga'...
we believe  tissue cultures or stem cells ... but we never believe how the kauravas are  born dronacharya was born....
we believe in sperm donation... but we never believe how pandavas born...
we believe atom bomb or neutron bomb.... but we never believe brahmastra existed in india long back...
we believe that we can make laser light that can melt even the thickest iron sheets... but we never believe that Lord shiva used it long back...
our ancient people exactly calculated when the eclipses can occur, when the rains would come etc... but we spend crores of rupees on environmental institutes... and everybody knows how their predictions are (despite the boasted scientific equipment)..
if Einstein says E=MC2 and energy can not be destroyed-it only changes its form, everyone applauds... we are never prepared to accept that in Bhagavadgeetha, Lord Krishna told 'Ninam chindanti sastrani..." and also the form of energy, vishnu is changing his avataras to maintain the universe in equilibrium... the creating part is 'brahma'-maintaing part is-vishu while the destruction (as a preparation for new creation ) - shiva.. three roles worked in perfect harmony.
we believe that americans can make stinger weapons... but we never try to accept that even before ramayana, indians know to use 'sabda bhedi'...
so on... a big list to make here.
but  criticizing the mythology is becoming a fashion...without understanding it...   we say that the science never existed... without completely understanding it.. we speak negative things about it.  we  believe 'stephan covey' and similar genre who sell 'personality development'... but we never try to understand the  'Bhagavadgeeta' which is the best book available on personality development...and 'sundara kanda" is the best  treatise on communication skills... and Udyoga parvam is the best treatise on international politics and a guide for ambassadors ?
Some speaker  in a  TV channel was  commenting that he has never seen God.. so he never  believes the existence of God... whether he believes or  not will be his personal is not an universal fact. I wanted to ask  him, whether he has ever personally  seen  Ronald Reagon or Einstein or Karl Marx except in photos or videos.... we believe our videos and pictures as the proof that those people existed... we call it as science... but we never believe if something is written in 'tala patras' or vedas.... and discard them as old or rubbish... and the more vigorously a person discards them, the more scientifically he is projected....!
Is the relativity of time that makes things believable ? is it the materialistic proof that makes the things believable ?
How do you believe that a  remote control can operate a TV ? how do you believe a space scientist can communicate with the space ship thousands of miles away ? if we know about infra red rays only we can believe remote control.(if we don't know about it, we would have thought it is a miracle or some thing). but they became a common thing now... without understanding Infrared waves, we use remote... without the knowledge of  radio-frequencies, we use cell phone or FM radio... they became a part of our life. Can you make a  2-year old kid to understand infrared rays..though he uses TV remote? understand the science, you expect a minimum background knowledge...and maturity. Till then, the true knowledge about the things will be obscure even if we continue to use them as a part of our life.
The ancient science is a similar one. we adopted certain cultures and ethical values. To understand it, we need certain level of basic knowledge and maturity coupled with wisdom. Till then it is obscure.  And, God is not there somewhere outside, but he is in every one of us...we can find it only with practiced introspection.... Without that inclination to explore,  is discarding our culture and values  is called vignana ? the real vignana will be trying to explore the hidden treasures of our  ancient wisdom and apply them to help the people  in coping with the present day complexities. It requires energy.. logic.. capacity to understand the ancient literature in applying our present day science.  
As long as we lack it, we continue to discard or disregard  the  ancient culture, values, ethics and morals;  and promote cheap gimmicks as true science, under the cover of rejecting some baseless superstitions.